wide awake

wide awake

Would you like to be alert right in the morning, feel fresh throughout the day, and maintain full concentration at all times? Then this product is perfect for you. The included nutrients support you in achieving this.

Nature Pearls for 30 days
Content: 509 g / 910 ml
CHF 198.-

Our present for you
Noble ceramic jar for 1000 ml

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The effectiveness is achieved through the interaction of all ingredients. Key functions are:

L-Isoleucine plays a central role in muscle and protein metabolism and is involved in the regeneration of muscle tissue. This is important not only for athletes but also in cases of injury or psychological stress when the body increases protein breakdown. Additionally, isoleucine stimulates insulin secretion, regulating blood sugar levels, and activates the growth hormone somatotropin.

Taurine is a component of bile acids, acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain, supports nerve functions, regulates heart rate and blood pressure, participates in lipid metabolism, supports the immune system, and protects cells from oxidative damage as an antioxidant.

L-Threonine serves as a building block for many proteins, hormones, enzymes, and collagen, an important substance in connective tissue, bones, teeth, tendons, and ligaments. During physical exertion, threonine is used for energy production and dilates blood vessels for improved circulation. It also increases blood flow to the brain, enhancing concentration.

Aronia dry suspension: Aronia berries contain high concentrations of flavonoids, secondary natural compounds that protect them from sunlight and pests. Due to their remarkable flavonoid content and significant amounts of provitamin A, vitamin B2, folic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin K, Aronia preparations are officially recognized as herbal medicinal plant extracts in Poland and Russia. Aronia contains approximately 10 to 50 mg of vitamin C per 100 g of fresh weight.

Ginseng extract is used to enhance concentration. Clinical trials have shown its improvement in physical performance during fatigue, weakness, and exhaustion. Additionally, it strengthens the immune system and mental performance. It is primarily used in stress situations or when fatigued.

Blueberry dry suspension: contains many nutrients, including catechins, flavonoids, caffeoyl acids, malic acid, pectins, and other valuable dietary fibers. The extract contains chromium and manganese and vitamin C (average of 30 mg of vitamin C per 100 g of fresh weight).

Guarana caffeine extract: ethnomedically used extensively for various therapeutic areas such as stimulation, against mental and physical fatigue, against diarrhea, as a diuretic, for pain relief in neuropathic pain and migraines, and against fever. The stimulating effect is primarily attributed to the high content of caffeine but also to other secondary plant compounds.



Vit. D3 (cholecalciferol)

40 µg

Vit. B12

75 µg


375 mg


15 mg


1 mg

Carnitine (L-)

1'000 mg


1'000 mg

Isoleucine (L-)

880 µg


250 mg

Threonine (L-)

900 µg

Aronia dry suspension

800 µg

Ginseng extract

100 µg

Guarana extract

300 µg

Rosehip dry suspension

800 mg

Blueberry dry suspension

800 mg

Raspberry dry suspension

800 mg


180 mg

Daily dose

15.9 g