FAQs - Our answers to frequently asked questions

POWERHAIR® Nature Pearls

Questions about taking the NATURE PEARLS

How should I take the NATURE PEARLS?

Pay attention to the quantity indicated on the product. Place the nature pearls directly into your mouth and drink a glass of water afterward. You can also mix the nature pearls into a fruit juice. To prevent the nature pearls from sticking to your teeth, you can add them to a liquid and take them with the provided straw. Important: The NATURE PEARLS should not be heated or chewed, as valuable vitamins may be lost. The nature pearls do not dissolve in water.

How long should I take POWERHAIR®?

We recommend a course of 12 months for you. Usually, within 4 weeks, POWERHAIR® stops hair loss. The first new hairs may be visible after 2 months, but they are usually visible after 6-9 months, and in rare cases, only after 18-24 months. After achieving the desired results, an additional intake of 3 months is recommended for stabilization.

At what time of day should I take POWERHAIR®?

The NATURE PEARLS can be taken at any time. However, we recommend dividing the daily dose between morning and evening.

What should I do if I forget to take POWERHAIR® once or multiple times?

The best results are achieved when you take POWERHAIR® regularly and daily for 12 months, even during vacations. If the intake is forgotten, continue as usual without increasing the daily dose.

an I combine POWERHAIR® with other vitamin supplements?

In principle, this is possible, but often not necessary. Your vitamin needs are sufficiently covered in many areas with POWERHAIR®. Be cautious of overdosing! If you have any questions regarding this, we are happy to assist you.

Can I take POWERHAIR® simultaneously with medication?

If you need to take medication in the morning, please make sure to wait at least one hour before taking POWERHAIR®. The herbal carrier substance in which the micro-nutrients are embedded has a natural sustained-release effect, which could result in a delayed absorption of medication if taken simultaneously. The sustained-release effect is important to ensure that the micronutrients from POWERHAIR® are absorbed by the body over several hours, providing optimal nourishment.

How much water should I drink with it?

Drink between 1.5 to 3 liters of water per day. If you drink more, you risk flushing out the minerals from your intestines and losing them. We recommend drinking at least 1.5 liters of well-mineralized, preferably still mineral water (high calcium and magnesium content is important).


What do I do if I don't like the taste?

The NATURE PEARLS maintain their natural flavor and are easily digestible. However, the following basic rule applies: the more unpleasant you find the taste, the greater the nutrient deficiency in your body. This changes over the course of the intake period. When taking POWERHAIR®, it may happen that bad breath occurs in the first 2-4 weeks. This is an unpleasant but positive sign: it means that a temporary detoxification process is taking place in your body. For natural and efficient mouth refreshment, we recommend chewing cardamom seeds.


Why shouldn't I take POWERHAIR® on an empty stomach?

If you take the POWERHAIR® Nature Pearls on an empty stomach, this can lead to unwanted reactions such as nausea. Only those who are accustomed to our pure NATURE PEARLS can safely take them on an empty stomach. In this case, it is best to take them in combination with our OMEGA3 fish oil capsules.

Questions about the effect

Do I have to expect hair growth all over my body?

No, POWERHAIR® only affects the hair on the head. After all, hair loss on the head does not affect beard or leg hair.

What if I don't see any results after 6 months?

We recommend a course of 12 months. Initial results are usually visible after 6–9 months, sometimes only after 18–24 months in rare cases. Depending on the severity of your nutrient deficiency, the rebuilding process may take longer. To sustain the beautiful hair and prevent another nutrient deficiency in the future, it is advisable to repeat a 3-month course annually after the initial 12-month course.

Does POWERHAIR® also work against dandruff?

According to our experience: yes.

Does POWERHAIR® also work for baldness?

According to our experience: yes (but it takes 12-18 months). With regular, complete intake, up to 80% can regenerate.

Does POWERHAIR® work for thin hair as well?

According to our customers: yes. The hair can reach the quality it had at its "best time." However, those who have always had thin hair will not suddenly have very thick hair, but they will have more hair and therefore more volume.

Does POWERHAIR® accelerate hair growth?

Yes. According to our study, initial results may be visible as early as 2 months. However, for some customers, results were only visible after 6-9 months. The duration of the rebuilding process depends on the extent of nutrient deficiency in the body.

Does POWERHAIR® also help with genetically induced hair loss?

Even with genetically induced hair loss, we have already achieved positive results. In our view, genetically induced hair loss means that the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles has a low priority due to inheritance. Nevertheless, these hair follicles can benefit from a POWERHAIR® treatment by making the nutrients functional again under the blood capillary vessels lying beneath the hair follicle, thus providing the hair follicles with nutrients more effectively. This promotes your hair growth.

Is there a success guarantee?

We cannot provide a guarantee, but our experience shows that our customers are extremely satisfied with the results when taking their individually tailored POWERHAIR® course regularly.

Questions about the basic principle

What sets POWERHAIR® apart from other hair growth products?

With POWERHAIR®, you are purchasing a high-quality product that differs in many ways from conventional hair growth products:

  • POWERHAIR® is individually tailored to your personal needs. With conventional products, you typically buy a standard product that does not take into account your individual requirements.
  • POWERHAIR® provides your body with approximately 36 to 45 nutrients, whereas conventional products usually supply your body with only 1 to 7 nutrients.
  • The dosage of POWERHAIR® is about 10 to 50 times higher than conventional products. POWERHAIR® contains maximum natural substances, while conventional products are mostly made from synthetically produced substances.
  • POWERHAIR® is available as natural pearl granules. The plant-based carrier substance allows absorption through the small intestine. The ingredients of conventional products, usually in tablet form, can be absorbed by the stomach.
  • There is no interaction of ingredients in POWERHAIR®, while with conventional products, unwanted interactions (Ca/Fe) can occur in the stomach.
  • POWERHAIR® is free from any additives, while conventional products typically contain coating agents, fillers, and colorants.
  • POWERHAIR® boasts a sustained-release effect (nutrients are slowly released into the body), whereas conventional tablets lack this sustained-release effect.
  • The cellulose contained in POWERHAIR® absorbs heavy metals in the colon and removes them (detoxification). This positive side effect does not occur with tablets.
Can I achieve the same effect through healthy and conscious nutrition?

The nature pearls do not replace a healthy and nutrient-rich diet. However, according to numerous medical specialists, achieving a regular intake of all necessary nutrients through daily meals is hardly achievable in our daily lives. Therefore, our bodies constantly live with temporary nutrient deficiencies. For this reason, we recommend POWERHAIR®-treatments, the dosage of which is precisely tailored to your needs. If your hair is already suffering, a deficiency of nutrients is most likely already present.

Other FAQs

How long does it take from receipt of payment until I receive POWERHAIR® at home?

Your ordered POWERHAIR®-treatment is individually manufactured for you according to your specifications and our mixing guidelines by the manufacturing company in Switzerland and sent by mail. The entire process takes between 5 and 10 working days. We ship worldwide.


How should I store POWERHAIR®?

Store your mixture in a light-protected place at room temperature – or in the refrigerator.

Up to which age group is POWERHAIR® recommended?

Most of our customers are between 18 and 87 years old and have consistently responded very positively to POWERHAIR®'s natural pearls.

POWERLIFE® Nature Pearls

Questions about taking the NATURE PEARLS

How should I take the NATURE PEARLS?

Pay attention to the quantity indicated on the product. Place the nature pearls directly into your mouth and drink a glass of water afterward. You can also mix the nature pearls into a fruit juice. To prevent the nature pearls from sticking to your teeth, you can add them to a liquid and take them with the provided straw. Important: The NATURE PEARLS should not be heated or chewed, as valuable vitamins may be lost. The nature pearls do not dissolve in water.

At what time of day should I take the NATURE PEARLS?

The NATURE PEARLS can be taken at any time. However, we recommend dividing the daily dose between morning and evening.

What should I do if I forget to take the NATURE PEARLS once or multiple times?

If you forget to take the NATURE PEARLS, continue taking them as usual without increasing the daily dosage.

Can I take the NATURE PEARLS together with medications?

If you need to take medication in the morning, please make sure to allow at least one hour between taking the medication and the NATURE PEARLS. The herbal carrier substance into which the micro-nutrients are incorporated has a natural sustained-release effect, which could lead to a delayed absorption of the medication if taken simultaneously. The sustained-release effect is important so that the micronutrients from the NATURE PEARLS are absorbed by the body over several hours, providing optimal nourishment.

How much water should I drink with them?

Drink between 1.5-3 liters of water per day. If you drink more, you risk washing out the minerals from your intestines, resulting in their loss. We recommend drinking at least 1.5 liters of well-mineralized, preferably still mineral water (high calcium and magnesium content are important).

What if I don't like the taste?

The NATURE PEARLS retain their natural flavor and are easily digestible. However, the following basic rule applies: The more unpleasant you find the taste, the greater the nutrient deficiency in your body. This changes over the course of taking them. Taking the NATURE PEARLS may result in bad breath in the initial phase. Although this is an unpleasant, it is a positive sign: It means that a temporary detoxification process is taking place in your body. For natural and efficient mouth freshening, we recommend chewing cardamom seeds.

Questions about side effects

Are there any side effects from the NATURE PEARLS?

In rare cases, the intestinal-care guar gum used in the NATURE PEARLS may cause diarrhea, constipation, or bloating during the first few days. This is a natural detoxification reaction of the body.

Other FAQs

How long does it take after payment until I receive my NATURE PEARLS at home?

Shipping typically takes between 5 and 10 business days. We ship worldwide.

How should I store my NATURE PEARLS?

Store your blend in a light-protected place at room temperature—or alternatively, in the refrigerator.